Monday, October 27, 2014

Juvenal and the U.S.

1.     School System-“I have never examined the entrails of a frog.”
a.     Just as in the United States, Juvenal mocks Rome’s educational system. He dramatically hyperbolizes Rome’s situation by saying that he, as a student, never even studied the anatomy of an animal. Clearly, Juvenal is demonstrating his disgust at the school system.
2.     Health Care System-“Here in Rome the son of free-born parents has to give the wall to some rich man's slave; for that other will give as much as the whole pay of a legionary tribune to enjoy the chance favours of a Calvina[17] or a Catiena,[17] while you, when the face of some gay-decked harlot takes your fancy, scarce venture to hand Chione down from her lofty chair.”
a.     In the United States today, many rich bemoan how their taxes go to pay for the poor man’s health care. Likewise, Juvenal criticizes how “the son of free-born parents has to give the wall to some rich man’s slave.” A true citizen has to help someone who has a lower-income than him and that, in Juvenal’s view, should not be tolerated.
3.     Nutritional Problems-“It is no easy matter, anywhere, for a man to rise when poverty stands in the way of his merits: but nowhere is the effort harder than in Rome, where you must pay a big rent for a wretched lodging, a big sum to fill the bellies of your slaves, and buy a frugal dinner for yourself.”
a.     Juvenal says that he intends to leave Rome because he can only “buy a frugal dinner for” himself here. Likewise, many in the United States can only afford cheap dollar-menu items with no nutritional value.
4.     Mental Health: “What else can you do when attacked by a madman stronger than yourself?”
a.     Juvenal questions what would happen if a “madman” came at you. By using this term, “madman,” Juvenal demonstrates how he also does not understand mental illnesses. He frivolously uses the term “madman” to describe a dangerous man and yet, he does not know the mental health of that person. Likewise, not all mentally ill persons are dangerous. Thus, just as in the United States, Juvenal demonstrates an ignorance regarding mental illness.
5.     Literary Loss-"What can I do at Rome? I cannot lie; if a book is bad, I cannot praise it, and beg for a copy.”

a.     Juvenal recognizes that there are poor quality books in Rome. While the Romans certainly did not suffer from using clipped sentences on Facebook, they still struggled, apparently, to create noteworthy literary texts.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Top Five Social Problems Facing America Today

1. School System: At times, I feel as though society likes to throw its hands up and say, “oh well, this generation is a disaster.” Then, we try to teach the younger generation so that they will not be so unfortunate as our own. However, the school system is failing. In many public school systems, the teacher to student ratio is absurd. Teachers cannot receive sufficient supplies to even teach their classes. Similarly, students fail to appreciate academic possibilities and instead, turn to dangerous paths.
2. Health Care System: Unfortunately, the health care system is failing to meet the needs of the citizens. While taxes pay for those who do not need emergency care, those who truly stagger under the weight of medical demise cannot receive the help they need.
3. Nutritional Problems: I eat a sandwich for lunch and, to be honest, I am not sure what I truly put into my body. The amount of hormones people now place in meats has negative health consequences. Likewise, our nation’s consumption of preservatives is creating more health problems.
4. Mental Health—Perception of/Treatment: Staggering amounts of people have been diagnosed with mental health problems in our nation and yet, many do not receive the treatment that they need. Furthermore, those who do not have mental disorders are ill educated about the psychological problems of others.

5. Literary Loss: Most people read text messages or tweets instead of novels. Consequentially, we are turning our language into a convoluted chaos of mere statements instead of sentences. As we lose our ability to read admirable texts, we stumble upon an inability to properly communicate with one another and other nations.