Friday, October 24, 2014

Top Five Social Problems Facing America Today

1. School System: At times, I feel as though society likes to throw its hands up and say, “oh well, this generation is a disaster.” Then, we try to teach the younger generation so that they will not be so unfortunate as our own. However, the school system is failing. In many public school systems, the teacher to student ratio is absurd. Teachers cannot receive sufficient supplies to even teach their classes. Similarly, students fail to appreciate academic possibilities and instead, turn to dangerous paths.
2. Health Care System: Unfortunately, the health care system is failing to meet the needs of the citizens. While taxes pay for those who do not need emergency care, those who truly stagger under the weight of medical demise cannot receive the help they need.
3. Nutritional Problems: I eat a sandwich for lunch and, to be honest, I am not sure what I truly put into my body. The amount of hormones people now place in meats has negative health consequences. Likewise, our nation’s consumption of preservatives is creating more health problems.
4. Mental Health—Perception of/Treatment: Staggering amounts of people have been diagnosed with mental health problems in our nation and yet, many do not receive the treatment that they need. Furthermore, those who do not have mental disorders are ill educated about the psychological problems of others.

5. Literary Loss: Most people read text messages or tweets instead of novels. Consequentially, we are turning our language into a convoluted chaos of mere statements instead of sentences. As we lose our ability to read admirable texts, we stumble upon an inability to properly communicate with one another and other nations.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on your points! With the U.S. society always on the go, it's hard to take time to prepare good food and research the ingredients being put into daily food items. Also it's too bad that people who are supposedly "normal" do not get educated about the difficulties a lot of people with mental health problems have to face .
